Monday, September 6, 2010

Bleeding in First Trimester Pregnancy

All I can say that I was glad when my first trimester got over. I don’t know how many of you would count each day and see how many days left for first trimester to get over…I did!! As I inched closer towards the end of first trimester, I was very relieved.
Apart from the little adventure (or rather misadventure) which happened sometime in the 4th month of my pregnancy, my first trimester went on very smoothly.
What causes bleeding in First Trimester:
 The fertilized egg will attach to the lining of the uterus, which at times causing light bleeding. This is known as implantation bleeding.
 When the placenta is being attached to the lining of the uterus, in this period some uterine lining might be discharged, This is usually considered normal.
 If the bleeding is bright red in colour accompanied by sever abdominal cramping, it might be a sign of miscarriage. In this case you need to contact your Doctor immediately.
Slight bleeding/spotting is considered normal in pregnancy. Usually it is brownish or pinkish in colour and there will be no cramping. But still it is always better to contact your OB/GYN. She might ask you to have an ultrasound to ensure everything is fine.
You need to worry if the bleeding is heavy and accompanied by cramping. There is no specific reason why bleeding occurs in the first trimester.
If anyone has any similar experiences, please share your thoughts

1 comment:

  1. Was a beautiful page. Thanks to the designers and managers.
